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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tags "jogos legais" & 2006

29 January 2006

IDG Now! | Jogo de Localização de Notas de Dólar

Utilizando um pequeno jogo de localização de notas de dólar pelo território norte-americano na internet, cientistas conseguiram criar fórmulas estatísticas que predizem os padrões de viagens de pessoas pelos Estados Unidos e, assim, poderão empregar o mesmo modelo para estudar a propagação de doenças infectocontagiosas - como a gripe aviária - no país.

28 January 2006

Raph’s Website » Audition

As with many of the Asian games, there’s a nominally massively multiplayer lobby, which you enter minimally multiplayer games from. You play the game in order to earn virtual cash, plus you buy a different sort of virtual cash. You can then buy further accessories for your character (clothes, character customization, etc) and new stuff to play (in this case, songs) with that money.

Blobs in Games | SRE on web

"Yanick Bourbeau has built a web version of SRE called Imperium Galactica (which also happens to be the name of an older, unrelated game). It's fairly complete and offers a few things SRE did not (like simultaneous play by several players). I've been playing for a few days and it's fun! The game isn't quite balanced yet, but that will take a little bit of time to fine tune. Try it out!"

21 January 2006

PC Logic Games: Bug Brain

This is part three of my five part series on programming logic games. This week's game, Bug Brain, uses neural nets as its programming model. Neural nets are a mainstay of machine learning in computer science and of science fiction stories. In each Bug Brain level, you have to construct a neural net to guide your bug to complete some task. For example, in the level pictured below, you program the lady bug, and your task to have it eat the three bugs without falling off the branch.

19 January 2006

PC Logic Games: Node Warriors

Each turn, you queue up five instructions for your cyber bug to follow from the random list of available instructions.

17 January 2006

GameTrack - Jogos de banda larga

Portal para jogos de banda larga. Com war e super trunfo.

16 January 2006